Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Obsidian developing Sega's Alien RPG

Some acclaimed creative minds have been involved in the Alien franchise, including directors Ridley Scott, James Cameron, and David Fincher, who crafted the sterile, spooky sci-fi movies, and Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger, who created the looks for the titular creatures.
Gamers can add one more name to that list, as Sega today announced that role-playing game specialist Obsidian Entertainment is developing the upcoming RPG set in the Alien universe.
The game, which as of now remains untitled, is coming to PCs and "next-generation systems." Sega has not dated the project but on Monday said that the first Alien-licensed game wouldn't arrive before 2009. No further details of the game were mentioned.
With Monday's announcement, Sega also revealed that a first-person shooter based on the movies was also in development but did not reveal the game's developer. However, Internet reports, including one from Gaming Target, noticed a few company names in the copyrights on Sega's Alien teaser page.
Along with mention of Obsidian, which was confirmed today, was Gearbox Software, the team behind the Brothers in Arms franchise. The two names were quickly removed, according to Gaming Target, and as of press time and following today's news, Obsidian's name was back on the page.
Sega did not respond to requests for comment as of press time.

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